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Francisco Sanchis Cortés

The Collection

The melody and the rhythm of the brushes

A set of the most beautiful sounds captured on the canvas is the unique work of Francisco Sanchis Cortes.

Biblical stories, unspeakable fantasies, fiction that surpasses reality, the most genuine expression of art, the soul of some characters who, between history and legend, have made the opera genre the delights of the spectator, becoming reality in his paintings.

One could affirm categorically that they constitute the synthesis of all the poetic, visual, musical and scenic arts, that is, it transforms musical thought in all its orders into a totally different and complete work of art. And add that his work, in a simple and enjoyable way, picks up the most interesting aspects of the painter's aesthetic thinking in relation to the artistic interests of musical expression.

The languor of romanticism adorns certain nuances in his paintings, very typical of his style and that is why it is not surprising that his works, in my opinion, are windows open to the depth of his restless and peaceful soul at the same time. Francisco does not deny his feelings and at a certain moment, without hesitating for a moment, he puts his brushes to work to catch the suspicious inspiration of the muse fleeing that induces him to design the content that illuminates him.

But Francisco Sanchis Cortés goes beyond a pictorial representation. He penetrates the intimacy of the characters, that's why he delves into the most hidden part of the creative seed of the greats of music where he manages to interlace the notes of the impressive works of Wagner, the Verdi drama, the tragedy of Puccini, the hubbub of the notes of George Bizet or the sumptuousness of Mozart, without forgetting the delicate compasses of such a controversial and disparate Tchaikovsky, where the deepest feelings of the human being are perceived by the light in their canvases and leave a sensation in the mind of the spectator of reality and charm.

These are the most outstanding characteristics of his work, which are mainly due to the deep knowledge of the operatic genre and its creators, as well as the ability to transfer a musical moment to his canvases.

In short, the pictorial symphony of Francisco Sanchis Cortés gives life to an infinity of characters, some following the romantic tradition of the moment, others expressing feelings tormented by their circumstances without forgetting the sounds of sabers and horses that express triumphs or sorrows, very typical of wit of its authors.

That is why when you stop contemplating his work is like a drop of the curtain and you have to leave the room to return to the real world.

María Bernal Sanz

Legal Adviser of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO Advisory Council

Secretary General-Chancellor of the Chapter of Knights and Ladies of Isabel la Católica, María Bernal Sanz is Associate Associate Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, in his capacity as Legal Adviser of Historical and Cultural Heritage, being endorsed by the Academics , Hon. Mr. Antonio Ceballos-Escalera y Contreras, Vizconde de Ayala and Mrs. Mª Elena Olmos Ortega, Professor of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Law of the State and ratified its admission to the Board of Governors presided over by the Excmo.Sr. D. Landelino Lavilla Alsina.

The merits of María Bernal have been recognized in her long career as a member of the Advisory Council of UNESCO and of EUROPA NOSTRA-European Union of Cultural Heritage, as well as the impulse given to the study of the History of Spanish Medieval Law and the Jurisdictions, with the celebration of two International Symposiums in the Villa de Sepulveda on this subject, in which some thirty specialists from the main Spanish and European Universities have participated, having intervened in them the Moscow State University where a Law Department has been opened Medieval Spanish and the Fueros de Sepúlveda and Cuenca from ancient Castilian to modern Russian have been translated.

The date of the third Symposium is pending confirmation, whose Honor Presidency has been confirmed by the Royal Household and will be held by Queen Sofia, given the circumstance that the queens of Spain carry the title of Ladies of Sepulveda "


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